We just had one of our favorite newborn sessions we have done in a while! Baby Elena was extremely well behaved and actually gave us a few smiles during the session as she was peacefully asleep. We did all of our usual prop setups and scenes with things like the carriage and moon. This was also one of our smoother sessions as well, we were done quicker than usual and had a lot of fun doing it.

Our newborn sessions are our bread and butter of the studio and what we founded SteinArtStudio Photography on. It was our enjoyment of capturing family moments and their little ones that propelled us to begin doing so at this professional level, and continues to fuel our engagement and with the genre. These precious pictures are indescribably important to every family that walks through our doors and that is something that we do not take lightly as we try to always capture their best times together as a family.

The pictures we take during our newborn sessions, just like all the others, are exactly that, timeless photos that you and your family and loved ones will cherish forever. Our sessions like the one these pictures come from are our thank you and appreciation to you, by letting us into your life we give you a way to remember these important memories in a way that not only looks beautiful, but also allows you to save them forever and hold onto them. Baby Elena and her family will now have these photos and memories and moments for their lives and that’s what our studio is all about!

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